Hairdressers and Beauty Salons
Hair and Beauty Plus has been designed for New Zealand Hairdressers and Beauty Salons to provide maximum protection for you and your business.
Operating a Hairdressers or Beauty Salon today in our increasingly regulated environment carries risk.
Our Hair and Beauty Plus Insurance Package extends across all areas of your business and will allow you to choose the level of protection that’s right for you. It offers a number of exclusive benefits including reduced excesses and automatic liability extension.
Claim Example: A lot of hair dressing and beauty salons depend entirely on using a laptop as a tool of trade in the course of their day-to-day business for such things as storing their company financial information, client details and making appointments. A staff member accidentally knocked the laptop off the reception counter whilst walking past and it fell onto the concrete floor damaging it considerably. Based on the estimated repair cost the laptop was replaced as it is a business-critical tool.