Florists Insurance
Florist InsurePac can provide the comprehensive cover you need when operating a florist shop today.
Working as a Florist carries its own unique risks.
Florist Insurepac provides flexible insurance cover with exclusive benefits that will protect you and your business. Whatever your needs, we can provide you with a tailor-make package that works for you.
Claim example: A business owner has a walk in chiller in their florist shop. They arrive at the premises one day to find that the chiller has had a mechanical breakdown overnight and the stock of flowers is now no longer suitable for sale. The estimate/cost to repair the mechanical breakdow is $5,900. Through the FloristPac scheme offering, Machinery Breakdown is automatically included as an extension with a limit, for any one event, of $10,000; at no extra cost this can be covered. Most of our competitor’s policies offer Machinery Breakdown as an optional extension only and usually charge an additional premium for this.