Public Liability Insurance
Protect you and your employees if you cause damage or harm to someone else or their property.
Why do businesses need Public Liability Insurance?
Businesses face exposure to risks every day. Finding yourself in a situation where you’ve accidentally injured a person or caused damage to someone else’s property can happen while carrying out your normal day-to-day business operations. That’s why it’s essential to have a Public Liability Insurance policy in place should the unexpected happen.
Public Liability Insurance can cover the costs associated with putting the damage right. This may include legal defence fees, repair or replacement costs for damaged property, or the costs for seeking exert advice on a matter. The most common types of claims we see involve accidental damage to property when tradies are carrying out work on other people’s property.
Who needs it?
Any business owner, sole trader or contactor operating today can benefit from Public Liability Insurance.
Liability can mean different things to different businesses, so it’s important to understand what could potentially go wrong with your normal business operations and to check that you’re covered. Our brokers are well-versed in managing business risks and ensuring our clients are protected.
Find out more about Public Liability Insurance